Been too long..♥
WOW! I haven't blogged in 5 months and it actually seems like forever. I've even forgotten how to use this thing. Last week I think was the first time I had even logged into my account in so long. I have so much to catch up on!
I'm going to first of all apologise for disappearing without notice and also not updating you all.
I'm sorry.
I got busy with uni/work and to be honest, I also needed a break from blogging. You know when you just lose interest, lack motivation and feel like you're boring people? Yeah that..
I'm not going to tell you I'm back and I'm going to post every single day because I know myself and I know I wont but you know, posts here and there when I can. Please bear with me though as unfortunately I've lost all files, software, etc on my laptop because my hard drive got corrupted.
Since taking a break from the whole blogging thing, I've also been really bad with my emails so I'm sorry if anyone has been ignored! Another thing I find is that some of your emails actually go into my junk folder and I'm not sure why. I do want to thank everyone who checked up on me to see if I was alive lol. I really appreciate the love and support some of you give and yes I'm good and well.
You know I can't even believe I still have followers lol
Thanks to everyone who stayed following and also heyyyy to my new/recent followers :)